Alta M. Skelton


Alta M. Skelton

Alta M. Skelton


I want to be a champion for you, to spur you on to do good things for your body, mind and spirit. Hopefully I can motivate and challenge you to carefully examine the way you think about your overall wellness and a healthy life style.

My daughter works as a Pre-K Teacher and needs occasional immune support. I started her on a regimen of Lauricidin and she loves it. She has suggested this product to others on her job. All of my employees are using Lauricidin and seeing great results.

Connect with Alta M. Skelton

Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin

Fully Armored Family Health And Fitness

755 W. Carmel Drive
Suite 150
Carmel, IN 46032


Connect with Alta M. Skelton

Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin

Fully Armored Family Health And Fitness

755 W. Carmel Drive
Suite 150
Carmel, IN 46032
