Stacy Claxton


Stacy Claxton

Stacy Claxton


I am a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® Practitioner (FDN-P) and an Ayurvedic Health Practitioner (AHP) specializing in preconception, pregnancy, and postpartum care. I offer a range of services that merge the laboratory investigation of my FDN training and my foundational background in Ayurveda and yoga. As an educator and a clinician, I believe strongly in the transformative power of diet and lifestyle and desire to inspire wise stewardship in the realm of holistic health.

Preparing to Parent (P2P) is an online community dedicated to "growing families with purpose…on purpose." In particular, P2P favors an integrated approach to whole-person wellness, focusing on four critical Ps: preconception, pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting. Cofounded with my twin sister, P2P is a diverse group of hopeful, expectant, new, and seasoned moms and mission-minded women investing in the next generation. To learn more, visit our website:

Connect with Stacy Claxton

Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin

Preparing to Parent

733 James Drive
Richardson, TX 75080

(215) 989-1324

Connect with Stacy Claxton

Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin

Preparing to Parent

733 James Drive
Richardson, TX 75080

(215) 989-1324