Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP, is powerfully committed to helping you find freedom from disease and discomfort while experiencing increased energy to live your dream life! Since 2004, she has been providing guidance to people who want to feel better and have more energy. She helps clients understand what foods heal their bodies, how to make those foods a part of their daily lives, and how to implement other transformative health supporting techniques and strategies.
Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
Licensed Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, and Certified Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Practitioner
Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
Licensed Acupuncturist, Nutritionist, and Certified Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Practitioner
"I have utilized Lauricidin's flagship product in my practice since learning about it years ago. When combined with specific nutritional protocols it is instrumental in helping several of my patients with immune and gut imbalances. From chronic immune challenges to gut dysbiosis... this potent product is quite a powerhouse!"
~Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
~Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
Connect with Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin
Siskiyou Vital Medicine
724 S Central Ave
Suite 210 E
Medford, OR 97501
Connect with Summer Waters, LAc, NTP, CGP
Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin
Siskiyou Vital Medicine
724 S Central Ave
Suite 210 E
Medford, OR 97501