Dr. Keith Sheehan and his wife, Laura Sheehan currently practices chiropractic and therapeutic nutrition in Lancaster city, where Dr. Sheehan has been practicing for the past 18 years. After following a series of severe illnesses, he realized that diet and nutritional therapy were the hidden link in most people’s health. He has spent the past 17 years studying and applying the theories and science of applied clinical nutrition to his patients, with great success.
Dr. Keith Sheehan
DC, ACT Level 9 Nutrition Response TestingSM
Dr. Keith Sheehan
DC, ACT Level 9 Nutrition Response TestingSM
Connect with Dr. Keith Sheehan
Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin
Sheehan Natural Health Improvement Center
1301 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602
Connect with Dr. Keith Sheehan
Call or schedule an appointment to speak with a health professional about Lauricidin
Sheehan Natural Health Improvement Center
1301 East King Street
Lancaster, PA 17602